The Possibility Hub
The Possibility Hub
Into the Void - my darkroom experience!
Are you afraid of the dark? Maybe as a child you wondered if a scary monster was going to leap out from under the bed or out of the cupboard! I know I did!
Yet just for a moment, consider that when you say you’re afraid of the dark, what are you really afraid of? Are you really afraid of looking within… because the Darkroom offers that gift, that opportunity to switch off from external stimulation and really turn your attention and focus within. To spend time with YOU… to really get to look deeply within.
In this Possibility Hub Podcast I will be talking about the ancient tradition of Darkroom Technology and sharing my Darkroom – source feeding experience in Thailand and perhaps it will inspire you to take some time away, far from the maddening crowds and external stimulation and enjoy silence, stillness and solitude.